
Friday, August 10, 2012

Unique Wedding Sign- go ahead try not to cry....

So I was browsing pinterest in the wedding section and I came across this sign. This little ring bearer was holding a sign walking down the aisle. The sign read "Uncle Mike, here comes your girl" Oh man, THE TEARS STARTED FLOWING. Not only was it adorable, but my brothers name is Mike and he was getting married. I pinned that sucker and showed it to my soon to be sister-in-law. She loved it. So I decided that I must make this sign for my brother as a surprise.

First, I was going to need my amazing fathers help with this project. He is a genius craftsman who built every house that I lived in growing up....yes, plural...he's the best. So my husband and I traveled up to the Adirondacks to my fathers lake house and my father and I got to work. This project ended up taking us about an hour and half but after all the staining and waiting and staining...a solid 24 hours.

I think this sign is something I would like to make for bride and grooms. I haven't decided yet considering I do not own any of the tools that I would need. Table saw, router, sander, etc. I would love some feedback from you. Would you buy this product?

The original sign that I saw was hand painted. My brother pretty much lives outside so I wanted to sign to be more rustic looking, more him! So I (my dad) cut the wood to a "Kid Friendly" size and sanded it down and outlined the words with pencil. Then came the fun part....the router. After I had finished with the router, I took a dark stain to the letters. Once I was satisfied with that, I stained the whole thing for a nice glossy finish.

And Voila!

So, would you buy this sign? Would love some feedback!


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