
Sunday, May 6, 2012

All around Great Wedding Ideas!

Well Hello there!

This weekend was the lovely Bridal Shower/Bachelorette Party for my soon to be sister-in-law Melissa, who is awesome, by the way. So this post is dedicated to some awesome affordable ideas for wedding festivities.

First, my mother, who is one crafty lady, was asked to put together a center piece for the shower for Melissa. She was told it needed to represent the life Michael (my brother...duh) and Melissa have together in Vermont. Here is a little inside on my brother. He hunts, he fishes, he remodels homes and boats and pretty much everything, he makes his own maple syrup, he cooks, he cleans, he aqua logs and builds things with those logs.....the list goes on and on but you get my drift. He is AWESOME! So, as you can imagine, it was hard for my mother to narrow this idea down. But she did.

This is such an amazing idea for center pieces at a wedding.

She took an old log and a bunch of old maple syrup taps and hammered the taps all around the log. Then she hung pictures of the two of them all around it. She used a glue gun for the moss on the top. Now, the bird's nest is actually real...BUT before you freak out, the birds had moved out. So it was vacant. Anyway, I thought I would share the centerpiece with you!
The downside to using a weighs like 100lbs.

Ok, so another talent person in my life is my friend Stephanie. She made these amazing little Muffins with vanilla icing. She made personal little tags and taped them to toothpicks. How cute are these? Great idea also for a baby shower!

So, on to the bachelorette party. What a wild night. What every wild Bachelorette party needs are PENIS COOKIES! I found the cookie cutter at iParty! These are so simple I'm kind of surprised there are not always penis cookies fully stocked in my house.
Anyway, I just picked up a Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie mix from the store and made the cookies with the cutter. It took me about an hour and a half to make the cookies. Next, we had to ice them. So I recruited my Father, Uncle and Aunt to help with the process. I bought white icing and put about three drops of red food dye in the icing and mixed it well. The pink is perfect. To really bring it all together though...I used brown jimmies for hair....and voila!

It was a great weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Pretty awesome and stunning ideas for wedding decorations. I am quite impressed with your post. Last month, attended my friend’s wedding at one of the beautiful wedding venues los angeles. Had an excellent time with all friends.
