
Sunday, April 22, 2012

No Knead Bread

There's nothing better than a great bread recipe that doesn't require kneading. Boo to kneading! My step-father Dutch found this recipe on Youtube. Mark Bittman's No Knead Bread. Here is the link if you are interested in making just a plain bread or need the video in case my recipe makes no sense...which could happen.

Anyway, this bread is not only delicious, it's easy and CHEAP!

What you will need:

Dutch Oven
3 cups of Flour
1/4 tsp of Active Dry Yeast
1 1/4 tsp of Salt
1 cup of chopped Pecans 
1 tbsp of Sugar
1 cup of Crasians
1 Large Orange for the rind
1 1/2 cups of warm water

(TIP: After the 12 hours of rising, before you take the bread out of the bowl, preheat the oven at 450 for 30 minutes with the top on. Just nice to have that ready to go when you finish folding the bread)

Chop and saute the pecans for about 10 minutes. Don't let them burn. I did not add oil or butter to the pan. They are dry.

 YUM! I love pecans!

 Add all the dry ingredients in the bowl. Blend them all together with a wooden spoon. 

Grate the whole the orange and add to the bowl of dry ingredients.

 Blend well. 

Add the water to the bowl and with a wooden spoon, blend the mixture. It may take a little muscle to mix it well. 

Cover the top with Saran Wrap. Really tight! 

Poke a small hole in the top of the Saran Wrap and let the bread rise for 12 hours.  

 Almost there! Yum!

 Sprinkle some flour on the counter top for the bread.

 Drop the bread onto the flour and cover both sides with flour. Shape the bread into a circle and fold over four times. This may sound confusing so the video posted from youtube may help. My husband was sleeping so I couldn't take a picture while trying to fold it over.

 Preheat the oven at 450 for 30 minutes with the dutch oven in the oven with the top on. (from the tip in the beginning of the blog)

 Be careful taking the top off. It's going to be super hot!!! Place the bread into the dutch oven FOLDED SIDE UP! I know this may seem weird but this will give the bread that Mohawk look!
Put the cover back on the dutch and cook for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes take the top off the dutch oven and cook for another 20 minutes.

DONE! Take it out and let it cool for about 10  minutes or so. It's so good fresh out of the oven with a little butter! Oh man! 




  1. Quick question on the recipe... do I need a Dutch Oven or Dutches' oven? Just checking :)

    1. :) Yes you can only use my step dads oven. That's it! Hahah
